We believe care is only part of the equation
and the Aged Care landscape has been grey for too long.
So we’re redefining quality.
The type more often found in hotels than Aged Care homes.
Because we believe that age deserves the advantage.

Our Advantage
We offer Aged Care redefined, with superior care, more meaningful experiences and purpose-designed spaces setting a new benchmark in quality.

Our Process
Because we understand that everyone is different, we are here to help you navigate your options and find the right solution to meet your needs.

Book a Tour
In Aged Care, pictures and words can only tell part of the story, so we’d love to invite you to visit any of our locations and experience the Advantaged Care difference yourself.

Our Time For You PromiseTM
While many organisations in care may talk about service, we promise it.
Whether you’re a resident, family member or just enquiring, we’ll always spend the time
with you to understand your situation and fully explain your options.
So don’t get left without answers or uncertainty; talk to our team at Advantaged Care —
we’ll always have time for you.
Enjoy the excellence first-hand.

Our Time For You PromiseTM
While many organisations in care may talk about service, we promise it.
Whether you’re a resident, family member or just enquiring, we’ll
always spend the time with you to understand your situation and fully explain your options.
So don’t get left without answers or uncertainty; talk to our team at
Advantaged Care — we’ll always have time for you.
Enjoy the excellence first-hand.